Saturday, December 1, 2012

San Diego Zoo

A zoo is a zoo is a zoo, right? Not really. Not if it is the San Diego Zoo!

Pretty Parrot in the tropical forest.
Chris & I decided before we left home that one of the things we really wanted to do on the ABLT (American Bucket List Tour) was spend a day at the San Diego Zoo. When we arrived in San Diego there were friends to visit and sights to see but the Zoo was high on the priority list. 

A word of warning for the viewees!
Luckily the King of Beasts was snoozin'.
It had been over 30 years since I last spent a day exploring the exhibits here…back when I was a young mother. It has changed dramatically. The habitats have all been enlarged substantially and were carefully designed and created to give the animals much more room. Many have special “toys” to encourage play and stimulate their brains. In addition, it is much easier for the human visitors to get up close & personal without threatening animal or people. 

Turkey Vultures discussing a rabbit that apparently made a wrong turn!

It is clear that the keepers care a great deal about their charges and the animals seem quite content. It was not unusual to see one of the staff inside an enclosure scratching a camel ear or interacting with an orangutan. 

Black with white stripes or white with black stripes...the eternal question.
All the employees were so very helpful and delighted to share their knowledge about the animals. Just wandering the grounds is like taking a trip through a rain forest…complete with waterfalls, pools and sweet smelling flowers.

Here are some of my highlights:

This Cheetah and her canine BFF have been together since they were cub & pup. They are part of an outreach program where they attend different hands on events. According to their caretaker, when the dog stays calm, the Cheetah does as well. The zoo has several of these pairs. Two Cheetah/Dog friends and two Wolf/Dog friends. 

This is Mary the Elephant getting her pedicure. She was standing there patiently while her “nail technician” trimmed and cleaned her foot. It must be as pleasant for them as it is for us because there were two more waiting their turn.

"Mine!"  "No...Mine!" Two Flamingos arguing over a tasty shrimp dish.

These two young Giraffes are taking a break as they watch a Gazelle saunter past. Just a few minutes before the picture was taken the youngsters were chasing each other around the enclosure and playing tag.

This Camel came right down into the “moat” when he saw me. As if to just say “hello”. Maybe he thought I had something yummy to eat? Or did he want his ears scratched?

I just loved the Secretary Bird. She was busy building a nest while the Mr. lounged in the grass. Typical!

The Lemurs were soooo cute! There entire town appears to be underground. I wonder if they are related to Prairie Dogs?

And, of course, the world famous Giant Pandas.

By the time we headed home, Chris & I were two very tired but happy kids.

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