Every state that we have visited has had a few quirks but
Florida is rife with them. I thought it might be fun to write a silly (but somewhat
educational) blog entry for a change of pace. Here’s hoping you enjoy it!
Building reflected in a building (St. Petersburg) |
It was surprising to discover that people in the
Florida panhandle area have a heavier southern accent than those we met in
Louisiana and Alabama.
Horse drawn carriage ride (St. Augustine) |
We have now crossed into a three hour time
difference from home so calling friends and relatives is a real challenge. I am
used to being able to call up my girlfriends whenever I want but it doesn’t
work quite as well here.
Absolute south end of Highway 1 (Key West) |
Produce! Honestly, people, you would not believe
how difficult it is to get decent fresh fruit and vegetables here. Most of the
vegetables are hermetically sealed in plastic in packages sized by the people
wrapping. I couldn’t get ONE zucchini or pick out my own broccoli or carrots. I
mean really…do they think I can’t pick out my own carrots? The quality was
quite sad so maybe hiding it is the objective? That way you don’t realize until
you get home that the broccoli is way beyond fresh and the carrots are already
getting slimy. The sizes were rather odd as well. Carrots were in packages of
either 5 or 25! And…oranges from California? Really??? I got so darn spoiled in
Art deco at its best (South Beach, Miami) |
Florida seems to be pretty hung up on fried
food. Even the chicken in a salad was
deep fried.
Great sunset viewing (Intercostal Waterway, Daytona Beach) |
Roads/drivers. Well…the roads were in good
condition but the traffic patterns were hideous and the drivers were crazy,
crazy, crazy. Driving right through red lights, changing lanes and making turns
without signaling or looking for on-coming traffic. Texting & making phone
calls while driving was a constant. And then there are the motorcyclists: no
helmets, usually wearing only shorts and sneakers, weaving through traffic at
very high speeds. Totally crazy. Even crazier: Florida USED to have a helmet
law but it was repealed in 2000. Since then, the number of fatal crashes for
every 10,000 registered motorcycles increased by 21%. Hmmm…go figure. Watching
these folks in action it certainly appeared that they have a death wish.
Common Moorhen cruising on Lake Okeechobee |
Reptiles: Holy guacamole! I really do not like
reptiles at all so found myself watching everywhere I walked pretty closely.
Not only are there the expected alligators and poisonous snakes, but they also
have HUGE snakes running rampant. Many of the people who had “pet” Pythons
apparently decided that when “Fido” got big enough that he needed a goat for
lunch…a white rat wasn’t going to cut it anymore…it was time to give him his
“freedom” out in the swamps. Those that were released into the (very tropical
and reptile friendly) wild have been making friends, falling in love and
procreating like crazy and are now a force to be reckoned with. The estimate is
that there are now 100’s of thousands wreaking havoc on the indigenous
Alligator siesta (Everglades) |
Grocery stores in Florida have decided (I know
not why) to hire the mentally challenged and infirm elderly to work as baggers.
Now I have no quarrel with providing an income for these folks but, for
heaven’s sake TRAIN them!! Over time it gets a bit tiresome to find your eggs
or loaf of bread under 2 bottles of wine or a half gallon of milk! I finally
decided it was best to just “help” them in order to keep the frustration level
at a minimum.
(Political aside: While it is nice
that these stores are “helping” the elderly and disabled, one must wonder WHY
they choose to hire personnel who most likely already have an income rather
than giving a job to someone who has a family to feed. Do you suppose it is so
they can avoid providing medical coverage for them since they presumably
already have it? Or so they can pay a lower wage? Sorry…that is just my ongoing
frustration with cheezy employers who are against a living wage for their
A beach to ourselves (Carrabelle) |
So…now we are out of Florida. It
is a state filled with contrasts and oxymorons. Every beach is different, every
city is different, even the weather patterns are different. The real advantage
is that it is warm! I can see why the New Yorkers and the Minnesotans and the
Ontarians and the Wisconsinites go there for the winter. The same reason we go
to Mexico…for the heat. They don’t realize, however, that we are getting the
better deal!
Sunset in St. Petersburg |
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